Unfortunately, viral fevers are not easy to prevent. Most of them are highly contagious and once a wave starts a large number of people tend to contract the infection. You cannot get yourself vaccinated against them, because as we have already mentioned they are not caused by a specific type of virus. Overall hygienic practices and a good immune system is the key to protecting yourself from repeated viral infections.
Here we list some measures that you will find useful:
o Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue when you cough or sneeze. It’s not only good manners but a very crucial step in protecting your friend and neighbor from getting infected.
o Likewise, try to avoid close contact with people with an obvious cough, cold or fever.
o Frequent hand washing is one of the most important infection control measures.
o Well ventilated homes and offices hinder the spread of infections.
o Schools and offices should advise sick individuals to stay at home till their symptoms resolve. This is particularly important at the onset of symptoms when they are most infectious.
o Some of the more serious viral infections such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Japanese encephalitis spread by mosquito bites. Keeping your environment free from mosquito breeding grounds helps in their prevention.
o A robust immune system is your best bet against viral infections. It comes with an overall healthy diet and lifestyle.
When to see a Doctor?
While most viral fevers can be expected to go away with the need for hospitalization or even a
visit to the doctor, it should be recognized that some viral infections can cause serious
complications and sometimes can even be fatal.In general, children below the age of five, the
elderly (>65 years of age), those with any chronic illness, and pregnant women should see a doctor
in case of a fever. Some warning signs that indicate the need for medical attention are listed
oConfusion or excessive sleepiness oStiff neck
oSkin rash
oChest pain
oTrouble breathing
oRepeated vomiting
oAbdominal pain
oBlood in stool oSwollen joints oJaundice
oBleeding from skin
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